Om forfatteren
Oleg Ivanovich Zavalishin is Candidate of technical sciences, General director - General designer of LLC "NPPF Spectr". He is expert on the development and production of aeronautical equipment, land and aircraft equipment, land systems as a functional addition to global satellite navigational systems, local differential systems and landing radio-radar equipment for civil aviation. He is also a member of the council of chief designers, developers and producers of navigational hardware (NAP) for the GNSS. Dmitry Alexandrovich Zatuchny is Doctor of technical sciences, Associate Professor and Professor at the Department of Computation Machines, Complexes, Systems and Networks at Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation. He is the author of more than 140 scientific works, including 5 monographs, 6 textbooks, 1 patent on an invention and 6 state registered computer programs. He was responsible for a number of research projects on ensuring the functioning of modern navigation systems in civil aviation aircraft and air traffic control.
Yury Grigorievich Shatrakov is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Russian Federation Honored Worker of Science, Professor at the Academy of Technological Sciences of the Russian Federation and Scientific secretary of JSC "All-Russian Research Institute of radio equipment". He has worked in the field of air navigation since 1963, and his interests focus on ground and onboard systems of radio navigation, instrumental landing, secondary radar, air traffic control systems and training and simulation systems. He has published more than 400 scientific papers.