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Anthem takes place in a dark, dystopian future. Collectivism and socialist economics have driven mankind to a technological standstill. The individual is not acknowledged in this society, the word &quote;I&quote; having been eliminated from speech altogether. Les mer

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Anthem takes place in a dark, dystopian future. Collectivism and socialist economics have driven mankind to a technological standstill. The individual is not acknowledged in this society, the word &quote;I&quote; having been eliminated from speech altogether. Rand explores the tension between collectivism and individualism and equates the errors or triumphs of these with socialism and capitalism.

Dette er en veldig spennende og velskrevet perle av en kortroman. Handlingen foregår i en fremtidig, fullstendig kollektivistisk verden, hvor menneskene kun lever for å tjene staten og folket. Hovedpersonen skiller seg ut; han ønsker å lære, og har en sterk iboende individualisme. Boken er skrevet i form av en dagbok, hvilket fungerer bra. Ayn Rand kunne virkelig skrive, og boken har et spesielt og personlig preg. Her dramatiseres hennes ideer om etikk på en fengende måte, satt i kontrast med altruismen og kollektivismen i sin ytterste konsekvens. Her er også en historie om kjærlighet, oppdagelse, vennskap og ondskap. Anthem er en liten klassiker, og jeg anbefaler den på det varmeste.

Tom Arnesveen

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The Floating Press

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Tom Arnesveen – 21.01.2006

– Dette er en veldig spennende og velskrevet perle av en kortroman. Handlingen foregår i en fremtidig, fullstendig kollektivistisk verden, hvor menneskene kun lever for å tjene staten og folket. Hovedpersonen skiller seg ut; han ønsker å lære, og har en sterk iboende individualisme. Boken er skrevet i form av en dagbok, hvilket fungerer bra. Ayn Rand kunne virkelig skrive, og boken har et spesielt og personlig preg. Her dramatiseres hennes ideer om etikk på en fengende måte, satt i kontrast med altruismen og kollektivismen i sin ytterste konsekvens. Her er også en historie om kjærlighet, oppdagelse, vennskap og ondskap. Anthem er en liten klassiker, og jeg anbefaler den på det varmeste.

MortenM – 17.04.2005

– Anthem is set in a terrible world, not like any other seen in our worlds history before, although there are clear remarks and relations to the country of her birth; the Soviet Union. The idea of equality and brotherhood is the main aspect of this world, and the need for collective thinking is always there. Egoism is banned in this world, and the main character, named Equality 7-2521, is always referring to himself as ¿we¿ or ¿us.¿ There is no room for individuality in this world.
In Ayn Rand's point of view, this is truly a world of terror; a society based on collectivism is a society of terror and slavery. Individualism and egoism are glorified in this novel, explaining, through Equality 7-2521¿s adventures, that egoism and individual freedom is a basic necessity for the progress of the human race.
As we follow Equality 7-2521 through this world of terror, he is in constant agony of the punishment that will be the result, if someone knew what sins he had done. He had talked to a woman, kept something to himself, and worst of all; he thought he was wiser and smarter than many of his brothers! Without spoiling this masterwork, I can say that Equality 7-2521 develops in character through the novel, seeking the real truth, and challenging the status quo. He dares to think independently and is developing a mind of his own; independent from his ¿brothers.¿ Anthem is strongly recommended reading for all those who either accept collectivistic thinking by default, and those who are the advocates of free thinking and individualism. For both sides, Anthem will be food for thought ¿ a manifesto of individualism and ego.

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