Image-Based Evidence in International Criminal Prosecutions Charting a Path Forward Jonathan W. Hak Innbundet 1994,-
Evidence, Respect and Truth Knowledge and Justice in Legal Trials Liat Levanon Flere utgaver Paperback 780,- E-bok 562,- E-bok 562,- 780,-
Indicting the 45th President Boss Trump, the GOP, and What We Can Do About the Threat to American Democracy Gregg Barak Flere utgaver Innbundet 2448,- Paperback 334,- E-bok 290,- E-bok 290,- 2448,-
Ny! Medical Illustration in the Courtroom Proving Injury, Causation, and Damages Lindsay E. Coulter Flere utgaver Paperback 725,- E-bok 725,- E-bok 725,- 725,-
Forensic Justice A Global Perspective Beulah Shekhar Flere utgaver Innbundet 2448,- Paperback 580,- 2448,-
Forensic Law Casebook Judicial Reasoning and the Application of Forensic Science in Criminal Cases Charles P. Nemeth Innbundet 1305,-
Introduction to Forensic Genetics for Non-geneticists Antonio Amorim Flere utgaver Innbundet 2448,- E-bok 725,- E-bok 725,- 2448,-
Police Problem Solving Models and Theories Steve Wadley Flere utgaver Paperback 276,- E-bok 276,- 276,-
Murder at 144 A Student Investigative File Theresa Fanelli Flere utgaver Paperback 798,- Paperback 798,- 798,-
Data Protection, Migration and Border Control The GDPR, the Law Enforcement Directive and Beyond Teresa Quintel Flere utgaver Innbundet 1632,- E-bok 548,- E-bok 548,- 1632,-
Crime of Aggression under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Carrie McDougall Paperback 762,-
Criminal Evidence Jefferson L. Ingram Flere utgaver Innbundet 4713,- Paperback 1958,- E-bok 1958,- E-bok 1958,- 4713,-
Criminal Law Reform Now Proposals & Critique J J Child Flere utgaver Paperback 580,- E-bok 522,- 580,-
Neuropsychological Aspects of Brain Injury Litigation A Medicolegal Handbook for Lawyers and Clinicians Phil S. Moore Flere utgaver Innbundet 2448,- Paperback 667,- E-bok 667,- E-bok 667,- 2448,-