Ny! International Arms Trade Reconfiguration of the Defence-Industrial Landscape Kenneth Boutin E-bok 1305,- Serie: Exeter Strategic & Security Studies
Arbeiderpartiet og våpnene fra det brukne gevær til USAs atomparaply Nils Henning Hontvedt Innbundet 362,- 398,-
Our History Is the Future Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance Nick Estes Flere utgaver Innbundet 1179,- Paperback 218,- E-bok 145,- 1179,-
No Cloak, No Dagger A Professor's Secret Life Inside the CIA Lester Paldy Flere utgaver Innbundet 418,- E-bok 363,- 418,-
Foundations of Modern Arms Control An International History, 1815-1968 Robert M. Blum Innbundet 2629,-
Ny! Influence without Arms The New Logic of Nuclear Deterrence Matthew Fuhrmann Flere utgaver Paperback 392,- E-bok 392,- E-bok 392,- 392,-
Assassin An action-packed espionage thriller Tom Fletcher Flere utgaver Innbundet 276,- Paperback 145,- 276,-
Fukushima and Civil Society The Japanese Anti-Nuclear Movement from a Socio-Political Perspective Beata Bochorodycz Paperback 580,-
At the Origins of Parliamentary Europe Supranational parliamentary government in debates of the Ad Hoc Assembly for the European Political Community in 1952–1953 Kari Palonen Innbundet 624,-
Ny! Arms Transfers to Non-State Actors The Erosion of Norms in International Law Hannah Kiel E-bok 363,- Serie: Elgar International Law series
Ny! Research Handbook on Conflict Prevention Timo Kivimaki E-bok 696,- Serie: Elgar Handbooks in Political Science
Ny! Den of Spies The Untold Story of Reagan, Carter and the Treason That Stole the White House Craig Unger Flere utgaver Innbundet 363,- Paperback 247,- 363,-
Ny! Origins of Victory How Disruptive Military Innovation Determines the Fates of Great Powers Andrew F. Krepinevich Paperback 218,-
Politics of Nuclear Disarmament Obstacles to and Opportunities for Eliminating Nuclear Weapons Tim Street Paperback 689,-
Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in Africa Ibrahim Bangura Innbundet 2448,-
Political Conflict and Arms Control Pakistan-India Policy Analysis 1988-2008 Nasir Mehmood E-bok 508,-
Understanding Conflict Resolution Peter Wallensteen Flere utgaver Innbundet 1378,- Paperback 479,- 1378,-
Leveraging Latency How the Weak Compel the Strong with Nuclear Technology Tristan A. Volpe Innbundet 356,-
Political Conflict and Arms Control Pakistan-India Policy Analysis 1988–2008 Nasir Mehmood Innbundet 1668,-
Death Dust The Rise, Decline, and Future of Radiological Weapons Programs William C. Potter Paperback 319,-
Global Nuclear Landscape Energy, Non-proliferation and Disarmament Manpreet Sethi Flere utgaver Innbundet 2629,- Paperback 609,- 2629,-
Greece (1941-1974) Years of Occupation, Years of Strife, and Years of Exclusion George Kaloudis Innbundet 1324,-
Ny! Forbidden Receiving Pope Francis''s Condemnation of Nuclear Weapons Drew Christiansen E-bok 522,-
Ny! Iran's Nuclear Hedging Strategy Shaping the Islamic Republic's Proliferation Calculus Michael Eisenstadt E-bok 363,-