Promoting Sustainable Innovation and the Circular Economy Legal and Economic Aspects Ole-Andreas Rognstad Innbundet 1885,-
Ny! Research Handbook on Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Thilo Kuntz E-bok 696,- Serie: Research Handbooks in Corporate Law and Governance series
Indigenous-Industry Agreements, Natural Resources and the Law Ibironke T. Odumosu-Ayanu Paperback 551,-
Accountability, International Business Operations and the Law Providing Justice for Corporate Human Rights Violations in Global Value Chains Liesbeth Enneking Innbundet 2629,-
Food Security, Biological Diversity and Intellectual Property Rights Muriel Lightbourne Paperback 907,-
Intellectual Property and Genetically Modified Organisms A Convergence in Laws Charles Lawson Paperback 870,-
Power, Procedure, Participation and Legitimacy in Global Sustainability Norms A Theory of Collaborative Regulation Karin Buhmann Flere utgaver Innbundet 2448,- Innbundet 2448,- Paperback 501,- 2448,-
Energy Law and the Sustainable Company Innovation and corporate social responsibility Patricia Park Innbundet 2719,-
Foundations of EU Food Law and Policy Ten Years of the European Food Safety Authority Alberto Alemanno Flere utgaver Innbundet 2629,- Innbundet 2629,- Paperback 979,- 2629,-
Greening of European Business under EU Law Taking Article 11 TFEU Seriously Beate Sjåfjell Flere utgaver Innbundet 2719,- Innbundet 2719,- Paperback 817,- 2719,-
Global Environmental Right Stephen Turner Flere utgaver Innbundet 2719,- Innbundet 2719,- Paperback 870,- 2719,-
Ny! Multinational Enterprises and the Law Peter T. Muchlinski E-bok 740,- Serie: Oxford International Law Library