Transporters as Drug Targets Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver Innbundet 2883,- E-bok 1754,- E-bok 1754,- 2883,-
Animal Models for Human Cancer Discovery and Development of Novel Therapeutics Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver Innbundet 2629,- E-bok 1682,- E-bok 1682,- 2629,-
Lead Generation Methods and Strategies Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver E-bok 3697,- E-bok 3697,- 3697,-
Fragment-based Drug Discovery Lessons and Outlook Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver Innbundet 2073,- E-bok 1914,- E-bok 1914,- 2073,-
Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Drug Binding Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver E-bok 1754,- E-bok 1754,- 1754,-
Predictive Toxicology From Vision to Reality Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver E-bok 1841,- E-bok 1841,- 1841,-
Phosphodiesterases and Their Inhibitors Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver Innbundet 2883,- E-bok 1841,- E-bok 1841,- 2883,-
Natural Products in Medicinal Chemistry Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver Innbundet 3299,- E-bok 2102,- E-bok 2102,- 3299,-
Scaffold Hopping in Medicinal Chemistry Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver E-bok 1798,- E-bok 1798,- 1798,-
Medicinal Chemistry Approaches to Personalized Medicine Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver E-bok 1798,- E-bok 1798,- 1798,-
Protein-Protein Interactions in Drug Discovery Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver Innbundet 3245,- E-bok 2001,- E-bok 2001,- 3245,-
Protein-Ligand Interactions Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver Innbundet 3245,- E-bok 2059,- E-bok 2059,- 3245,-
Aspartic Acid Proteases as Therapeutic Targets Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver E-bok 2421,- E-bok 2421,- 2421,-
Prodrugs and Targeted Delivery Towards Better ADME Properties Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver Innbundet 3354,- E-bok 2247,- E-bok 2247,- 3354,-
Drug Bioavailability Estimation of Solubility, Permeability, Absorption and Bioavailability Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver Innbundet 4877,- E-bok 3030,- E-bok 1638,- 4877,-
Mass Spectrometry in Medicinal Chemistry Applications in Drug Discovery Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver Innbundet 4442,- E-bok 2958,- 4442,-
G Protein-Coupled Receptors as Drug Targets Analysis of Activation and Constitutive Activity Raimund Mannhold E-bok 2813,-
Combinatorial Chemistry From Theory to Application Raimund Mannhold Flere utgaver Innbundet 5783,- E-bok 3668,- 5783,-